Thank-You From The Caribous!

WOW!.. WHAT A SEASON! The Clarenville Ford Caribous have had its share of ups and downs since last year’s heart-wrenching Herder loss. But all the bumps in the road are all worthwhile when we were presented the Herder this past Saturday night. A HUGE thank you to all of our corporate sponsors who stepped up to the plate again this year. And a special shout-out to Junior Peddle of Clarenville Ford for the outstanding support he has provided year after year! Thank you to all the volunteers who work hard behind the scenes to ensure we have a product on the ice. From the ticket-takers and the fundraising team, to the penalty box assistants, the parking attendants and the security/ushers... from the anthem singers, and the “voice of the Caribous” to the coaching staff and the equipment managers... to the mystery “Bou”... and anyone else that has helped us in any way. THANK YOU. Thanks to Brandon and all the staff at the Eastlink Events Centre, and Town of Clarenville, for the tremendous support and providing us with a rink we are proud to call home! To our players… what a run! Your skill, passion and commitment to the organization will never be forgotten. Your willingness to forgo pay not only allowed us to finish out the season, but it inspired us all and built an un-paralleled team spirit that fuelled us on the run for the Herder! Thank you so much. To Rebecca, Andrew, and all the bench staff and support crew… job well done! Your vision, leadership and support for the boys got us where we are today! To our fans… wow! There have been times when attendance dwindled for a variety of reasons, but as the season progressed, you came out to show your support! Although we wish we could have won the Herder for you on our home ice, seeing the hundreds of Caribous fans at the Jack Byrne Arena this past weekend really made a difference and proud to celebrate the win with you. Thank you! A special thank-you to our Clarenville Ford Caribous Executive Committee. Over the years, it's become more difficult to recruit dedicated volunteers but our current executive committee are as dedicated as they come, many who have been with the organization for 10+ years. It is often a thank-less job, but we wanted to take a moment to make special mention to this group who make everything possible behind the scenes. In no particular order: Ivan Hapgood, Carm Smith, Susan Dean, Kim Baker, Brandon Reardon, Matthew Blackmore, Ches Standford, Dennis Marsh, Derek MacPhee, Todd Cole, Dustin Russell. Thank you! To bring the 2017-18 season to a close, and to help celebrate our Herder win with our fans, we are in the planning stages of celebration activities in Clarenville in the near future. Details will be released as soon as they become available. So, once again, thanks to you all for your continued support. We look forward to defending our title next season! #GOBOUSGO

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